Exploring Coffee Biologically

Exploring Coffee Biologically

The Benefits for the Mind.

The first and probably the most commonly understood mental benefit of coffee consumption is the focus boost. From the midnight oil burning college students to the career driven professionals the mental focus boost of coffee cannot be underestimated.

The military and the medical career fields also lean heavily on coffee to get through their long hours and hard work and dedication to keep their mental focus and edge sharp while they are on duty.

Research also suggest coffee provides a lower risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease, gives you a leg up over depression, and is even known to promote longer lifespans to those who have been drinking a cup a day for decade or two.

The Benefits for the Body.

Even more commonly known than the mental benefits are those our body feels. Because we feel them directly in our body and fairly immediately it is well known that coffee boosts our energy levels and athletic performance, but did you also know that coffee is linked to weight loss and staying in healthier shape?

I believe this is because of the provided energy not only does it increase our metabolism but it makes us move around and be more active. Who wants to truly just sit still when you have the power of coffee surging throughout your body?

While I won't go into the complicated scientific details of how it happens coffee also helps our body to burn fat through its process in our body. I often drink a small cup of coffee before physical activity such as a run, hitting the gym, or before a long hike to give me that extra push to succeed.

In moderation coffee also supports a healthy heart, which is super beneficial to everyone. Research has also shown that regularly consuming coffee reduces your risks of certain cancers, provides health boosts and disease resistance to your liver, and helps prevent type 2 diabetes.

Decaf or Caffeinated?

While discussing the benefits and drawbacks of caffeine can be an entire other discussion, most of us already know coffee by default naturally has caffeine in it.

Now it's time to get a little scientific for a moment. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, or medically abbreviated, CNSS. It is naturally a cognitive enhancer and provides an increased mental awareness and focal performance to our brains. Caffeine is found naturally in a great deal of seeds, fruits, nuts and leaves that we consume world-wide daily.

From tea leaves, to coffee seeds (beans) all the way coca (Did you know chocolate naturally has caffeine in it?). While caffeine itself provides extra benefits when consuming coffee it can also be a risk for some people, especially pregnant woman or nursing mothers. We also have to be aware of our limitations if we already have heart disease, as the increased heart rate side effect of caffeine can put you at risk.

With that understanding it is up to each of us to speak with our doctor if we feel we may be at risk. But we still love coffee! So what do we do? This is where decaf coffee is comes in to help us. Through additional processing caffeine in coffee can be greatly reduced, making the most precious substance available to just about everyone. The best part; it keeps almost all of the health benefits while removing the caffeine that poses a danger to those who could be harmed by it.

The Coffee Conclusions.

The health benefits to drinking coffee in a regular routine are far and wide, and more research is performed every day to broaden our understanding of coffee consumption. While coffee is certainly not a cure all the research shows that it can offer your body and mind lowered risks by 4-12% on the related benefits we are discussing, and added to other beneficial and nutritional foods and beverages can add up to be a serious defense against some of the most harmful diseases out there to the human race.


My Opinion Only.

My Opinion Only    I would like to inform my fellow coffee lovers that I am not a doctor, nor a scientist, but an engineer. The information I am sharing is based off my research into the science behind the human body done by other medical and scientific professionals, so please make sure you know your own body and how coffee affects you. That being said these are strong general guidelines to the health benefits of coffee and caffeine, and my own experiences for myself from decades of coffee consumption.

Remember that coffee itself is not a medication for any of the health benefits it provides, nor can it be considered a cure to any disease. However just like maintaining a balanced nutritional intake coffee can easily be included in that list to provide your body with boosted resistance and brain function. As always I encourage people to do their own research and education to know and understand more.

As with all things overconsumption is a risk we have to be aware of. Whether you're looking at decaf coffee health benefits or caffeinated coffee health benefits we must always remember to take things in moderation for ourselves. As I always say here at Friggen Cawfee, each of us is unique and beautiful, so there is no one size fits all amount for us to safely consume each day. Always strive to know your own understanding of your body's limitations to keep your body and mind fit and healthy.

Thanks for stopping by Friggen Cawfee and reading this article! As always I’m more than glad to help answer your questions and provide input for all your coffee questions.

You can email me at Mark@friggencawee.com

– Mark, Friggen Cawfee Connoisseur

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